We are not state or federally funded. It takes approximately $6000.00 to provide for a single woman for a year and $12,000.00 for a family. Donations help to offset some of our operational costs incurred each year.
Prefer to send a check? Our mailing address is:
Lydia’s House of Hope
21 Grand Street
Somersworth NH 03878
Lydia’s House and Grace House are often in need of maintenance, updates, and repairs. Are you in construction, electric, plumbing or an overall handy person? Consider donating your services.
For more information email adminassistant@seedsoffaithnh.org
Much of our daily curricula and trainings are taught by volunteers. Do you have knowledge you’d like to share, or perhaps a skill that our residents would benefit from learning? Do you just enjoy helping others? Consider volunteering!